What if we are each actually Spirit Itself being human?
C. Jordan Blaquera
C. Jordan Blaquera
Putting your creative work in the world can feel perilous and challenging to your nervous system. Expect it and plan accordingly. The threat of being eviscerated doesn't have to stop you. You can decide that expressing yourself fully is worth the risk.
There is an unsung and very overlooked trait that can help you become more authentically you. It will help you to be who you are, express yourself exactly as you are, and go after bigger, more innovative dreams. Discover the Capacity to Disappoint and how to harness it for greater freedom and the personal fulfillment of being uniquely you.
Would you rather be right or happy? "Better than" or peaceful? We humans so don't want to be "wrong," but that leaves us fighting like hell to be "right." What if there is no absolute right and no absolute wrong? Change your life for the better and increase your inner peace by dropping your addiction to being right as well as going beyond ideas of what you consider "wrong."
In Rumi's famous poem, he invites us to meet him in The Field. But why would you want to go out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing to go to The Field? What is this mysterious Field, and what will you find there? I want you to inspire you to do the work of challenging your perspectives and beliefs in order to find your way to the beautiful freedom and peace of The Field.
If being fully & completely ourselves was ALL THAT, we would be doing it already. But most of us have some reservations about letting ourselves be completely visible. Learn the top three reasons we limit ourselves, and how we can let go of the frames we hold that limit the full vista of what's possible.